Where We Work

Where We Work

Where We Work

Upeksha is an NGO that envisions to work all around the world. Suffering exists everywhere, atrocities happen in every country, and from the biggest cities to the most remote villages, the victims and their pain are left in the dark. And until everyone of those stories comes to light, and every form of human induced suffering is eliminated, our work is not done. 

However, we have to start somewhere and that somewhere is Colombia. Although Colombia has recently seen spectacular developments, coming out of some very violent decades, a certain group of people has been left behind during this process. They have not benefited from its economic growth and decrease in violence. We do not intend to criticise or depreciate the positive sides of Colombia’s accomplishments. Rather, we want to contribute to those by focussing our work on those that have not quite yet experienced any positive developments in their own lives and surroundings. We want to give this population a voice, so they have the tools to resist the violence, stigmatisation and discrimination they still suffer from. 

Click on one of the links below to read in more detail about Colombia's situation, who we are working with and which specific places we aspire to work in.

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