"The only road to equality - a sense of common humanity; peace - is sharing"
- Wamariya, 2018: 178
We use the term “people of resilience” because it is those who have experienced the most difficult circumstances that show the greatest resilience. And that part of their identify is often underexposed for in the humanitarian world we tend to define the people we help in terms of victims, in terms of the circumstances in which they live. But it is the circumstances that need to change, not the people. On the contrary, we believe that those who have suffered are the most capable of walking up front on the road to a better world.
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the Netherlands
Whatsapp: +573202085817
Email: info@upeksha-vor.org
IBAN: NL36 INGB 0007930674
ATTN: Stichting Upeksha - Voices of Resilience
CCI: 80727247
RSIN: 861776458