Voices of Sucre

Voices of Sucre

About Voices of Sucre

In cooperation with a project called Sucre Escucha (Sucre Listens) we have had the the opportunity to visit the department of Sucre multiple times and get to know its people, the culture and stories. Sucre is a department in the north of Colombia that suffered a lot of violence in recent years and decades. Due to violence between paramilitaries, drug cartels, guerrillas and the army, there's been many killings and displacements of innocent people, as well as massacres, crime and poverty. In some of the more remote villages there's still children that have no schools, entire communities that have no healthcare or even clean drinking water. While many such problems remain, in recent years things have started to look a little brighter, and the people of Sucre have decided to reclaim their home, to tell stories and to show the world what Sucre is really about: music, food, dance, sports and much more. We had the privilege to document some of these stories and expressions of culture, and on this page you can find everything we published so far: video's, photos, stories and background information. Now it is up to you to make sure these stories are heard all over the world. So please like and share our videos, posts on social media, and lets make sure together that the people of Sucre will no longer have to live in violence, poverty and without basic human rights.

Read More About Sucre

Our Projects in Sucre

Our Videos in Sucre

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