Mampujan: 75 children without a proper school

Mampujan: 75 children without a school

Mampuján is a small remote village in the mountains of Montes de Maria. The town has suffered a lot of violence due to battles between paramilitaries and guerrillas, which has caused a big part of its population to flee. However, some people stayed and others returned for it was their home. Where they once had a school, hospital and a church, they now have none of these. And the 75 children of the village are thought by just 4 teachers in the backyard of a small house without tables, chairs and books. While the Colombian government by law has to provide education for every child in its country, Mampuján is one the villages where this essential human right is not available. Watch our video about Mampuján, a with which we hope to call attention to the authorities. 

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