Rendirse Jamás


Rendirse Jamás

Phanton Killa

Never Give Up. That is the simple but strong message of Phanton Killa's new song Rendirse Jamás. But also everything that he is, as a human being: personally, professionally and artistically. In life, we will always have set backs. This might be especically the case for the millions of people in Bogotá that struggle day in and day out to make ends meet. Street merchants selling their goods with a smile. Artists presenting their talents in the busses for nothing. But whether you have money or not. Whether you are Colombian or Dutch. A woman or a man. Everybody will have ups and downs in their life's. And we all struggle to become the best versions of ourselves. So never give up. Never back down. Never surrender!

Rendirse Jamás - Phanton Killa

Spanish Lyrics English Translation

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Phanton Killa

Phanton Killa is a rapper and music producer from  Bogotá, Colombia. His musical portfolio consists of a combination of rap, drill and dancehall, where he alternates catchy hooks with meaningful lyrics, while emphasising his rhythmical strength.

After earning a scholarship to study art in Cuba, Phanton found happiness as an electronic music DJ in Miami. However, things took a left turn, when Phanton was forced to go back to Colombia. While he lost everything he loved, he regained strength and motivation through music. He founded "Candelaria Cartel Clan", a movement of artists that  performed rap battles on the streets of la Candelaria, Bogotá. That's where his hip hop story really starts. Later on, trying to cope with the COVID19 pandemic, he taught himself how to produce, record and mix music, as he released his first songs in 2021. Phanton got noticed during a small concert in El Bronx. Subsequently, he was invited to participate in a symphonic hip hop concert. An experience that he says fulfilled a life-long dream: "I don't make art to get rich. All I want is a space to share it". 

About the Project

Phanton Killa created the base of the beat of Rendirse Jamás and together with Upeksha's Casper te Riele they produced the final record. The recording of the lyrics, written by Phanton Killa, the mixing and the mastering were all done together by Phanton and Casper. The video was recorded by Casper te Riele and Catalina Barragán Hinestroza on behalve of Upeksha. Phanton directed the video choosing the outfits, selecting the extras, and the locations that represent the everyday fight of everyday people in Bogotá, Colombia. We therefore recorded in places such as "la septima", where street merchants work everyday to put bread on the table. We also chose to record the second verse inside a studio with a mere black background, probing the listering to focus on the words and skill of Phanton Killa.

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