Tendrá Un Final - Protest


Tendrá Un Final

National Strike in Colombia

In april/may 2021 the people of Colombia rose up against the government of Ivan Duque. Protesting the continuing violence, poverty and inequality in a country that favours big business over its own people. The demonstrations have met extreme repression from the police, as over 70 people have been murdered in just over 1 month. As an international NGO we believe that this struggle doesn't end at the Colombians border, for countries all over the world benefit from Colombia's recourses through policies that favour multinational companies over locals. Therefore we call upon the international community to denounce the violence and to stand up against the human rights violations and protect the lives of the Colombian people. 

Read More About the Situation in Colombia

Tendrá Un Final - Free Soul & Fortune Machine

Tendrá un Final is a song Free Soul wrote about 'Los Mujeres de Sucre'. A group of women from the Sucre department who stand up for the rights of their families, their country and their communities. The demonstrations are a continuation of a struggle that women like them have been fighting for years. This video is a tribute to all women in the resistance movement. Women who are an essential part to any resistance but often don't enough credits when victories are achieved.

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Free Soul - Chiras

Chiras from Free Soul (25)(Yan Carlos Guerra Martinez) is a rapper from Antioquia that has lived in Bogotá for many years. He used to live in a neighbourhood called 'La L', where tough circumstances made a positive future very difficult. However, his musical talent has given him a chance to turn things around achieve a future of creativity and prosperity. His lyrics put into words experiences that are hard to describe. His work is an inspiration for many, showing us how bad circumstances don't define us, don't determine our future, and don't have to keep us from rising to the top.

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Fortune Machine

Mente Enferma (25)(Julio Cesar Gonzalez Moreno), born in Bogotá, is the leader of the Hip Hop formation Fortune Machine. Besides rapping he has also produced the music of all three songs. He produces music not only for himself, but for many starting rappers, giving them a chance to broadcast their talents. Follow his YouTube channel to listen to more of his music. Other than music, Mente is a graffiti artist and skateboarder. He teaches us that with dedication, hard work and faith you can achieve any dream, however big.

YouTube Fortune Machine
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