by Dobby Flow
by Smith Freesoul
Dancing Against Femicide
The Story of an LGBTI Community During the War in Colombia
How a soup healed a community
A song about hope and resilience
A Tribute to the Social Leaders that were Murdered
Upeksha - Voices of Resilience is about creating a world where people can love each other regardless of their heritage, ethnicity, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, class, ideology, and religion. Unfortunately, in today’s world all of the above come with a huge amount of false stereotypes and stigmas, causing hate, discrimination and fear between people. Often, the ones who are stigmatized the most are the ones who are listened to the least. Therefore, Upeksha wants to create spaces that shed light on those that have been left in the dark by our society. Because we know, once we listen to each other, look each other in the eyes, all stigmas will vanish, and compassion will take its place.
See our introduction video below!
(English subtitles should be turned on for the Spanish spoken part. If not, click on the "settings" button at the bottom of the video, select subtitles, and click on English.)
Who are the people who make our world a better place? Who are the people who risk their lives day in day out to stand up for the rights of everyone of us. With this project we give a face to those who are on the front lines of the struggle for a more inclusive, equal and just world. We listen to their stories, we learn from their lessons and we let ourselves be inspired by their dedication, vigor and perseverance.
With this project we traveled to the department of Sucre to hear the people's stories, document their culture and understand their history and present. Watch our videos, photo galleries and read their stories about football, food, music and more.
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the Netherlands
Whatsapp: +573202085817
IBAN: NL36 INGB 0007930674
ATTN: Stichting Upeksha - Voices of Resilience
CCI: 80727247
RSIN: 861776458